About Wellnessincheck
Wellnessincheck is a science-based wellness resource where you can explore a full spectrum of wellness topics, from latest scientific evidence pertaining to health conditions to useful advice on nutrition, weight loss, fitness, mental health, pregnancy, and more.
Wellnessincheck is dedicated to empowering you with credible and up-to-date advice on diet, exercise, meditation and sleep topics. We give you the tools to make healthy living fun and easy. You can depend on us to provide expert wellness content along with genuine caring.

Specifically, we strive to assist you on two fronts:
- We understand that it is extremely difficult for you to keep up with tons of wellness-related research getting published daily. On top of this, not all research is created equal. The research published in peer-reviewed journals needs to be taken more seriously as compared to non-peer-reviewed journals. The research published in high Impact-factor journals needs to be taken more seriously as compared to low Impact-factor journals.
- The issue is compouned by a plethora of fake health news being circulated on the social media platforms. Of all the categories of fake news, health news is the worst because of its profound implications. In a study published recently in the Journal of Science, “false news stories were 70 percent more likely to be retweeted than true stories were.”

At Wellnessincheck, we have a passion to help people get healthy by empowering them to use evidence-based lifestyle changes to fuel their health. We provide actionable research findings and articles on a myriad of Wellness topics related to diet, exercise, meditation and sleep, with new posts uploaded regularly.
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