Founders’ Message

Greetings from the Silicon Valley and welcome to Wellnessincheck.
We are in the midst of a massive health crisis. In the US, heart disease, stroke, and cancer account for more than half of all deaths each year. 70 % of all Americans are either overweight or obese. 70 million Americans have high blood pressure with elevated risk for stroke and heart attack. Approximately half of the US population is affected by a chronic disease!
Evidence-based lifestyle modification is the most powerful approach to true health and healing. Tons of published research support four core principles of healthy living that most effectively add years to lives, and life to years. At Wellnessincheck, our experts collaborate to bring you infographics and articles based on the most reliable published research related to these four principles i.e. diet, exercise, meditation and sleep.
At Wellnessincheck, we have a passion to help people get healthy by empowering them to use evidence-based lifestyle changes to fuel their health. We provide actionable research findings and articles on a myriad of Wellness topics, with new posts uploaded regularly.
We hope you’ll find this website useful in creating a healthier way of life for you and your family.

Saurabh Sethi MD, MPH
Dr. Saurabh Sethi is a board-certified Internal Medicine physician specializing in gastroenterology, hepatology, and advanced interventional endoscopy. In 2014, Dr. Sethi completed his gastroenterology and hepatology fellowship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center at Harvard Medical School, and soon after completed his advanced endoscopy fellowship at Stanford University in 2015. Dr. Sethi has been involved with multiple books and research publications, including over 30 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Sethi’s interests include reading, blogging, traveling, and public health advocacy.
Dr. Sethi is the founder of Wellnessincheck. Dr. Sethi values his academic training and ensures that the information provided on Wellnessincheck is backed by rigorous scientific evidence and state-of-the-art research in the fields of Nutrition, Psychology and Medicine.

Nidhi Chawla Sethi MBA, PhD
As the co-founder of, Dr. Nidhi Chawla Sethi is committed to sharing evidence-based wellness information with you. She is deeply passionate about Natural health and wellness. Nidhi has co-authored a number of research articles published in peer-reviewed journals and has worked as a Researcher at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard University.
Nidhi is a mom of two and passionate about raising them on a healthy diet and happy lifestyle. Her varied professional background paired with her deep passion and enthusiasm for fitness, make her a true cheerleader for health and wellness. She enjoys reading, spending time with family, and cooking.